Monday, August 23, 2010

Week 2 - Boot Camp... Here we go!!

The weekend was nice and relaxing and a good break from boot camp, but it's back to the grind this morning. My alarm clock went off at 4:45am again and it didn't seem as bad as next week, but I'll let you know if I still say that maybe by Wednesday or Thursday.

Camp today focused on our intensity levels. We split up into groups and did different stations. Several of them included a station on cardio (jumping jacks, jump rope, wacky jacks), arms (front and lateral raises and bicep curls), legs (crab walks, side shuffles, and prisoner squats), abs (planks and side planks), core (donkey kicks, back kicks, and supine lifts, and finally squats, pushups, and dips. We did this circuit 2 times and trust me it was tough! After we went through all that we did a super set of abs as a group and were finally able to call it quits quits for the day.

Mom and I have been sticking to the plan so I hope that we both start to see some results starting soon. Well I am going to get off here. I am working from home a little bit this morning while I wait on Orkin to come to the house. Gotta get busy!

Till next time :)

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